
Mathematics Curriculum

The study of Mathematics establishes sound and well developed numeracy skills which are essential to students’ future learning and their successful interaction within the world. It provides students with access to important mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and work lives. 

The Mathematics program ensures students can demonstrate confidence and competency with mathematical concepts and skills by the time they finish primary school.

Mathematics in The Victorian Curriculum covers three key domains/areas:

  • Number & algebra
  • Measurement & Geometry
  • Statistics & Probability

What does this look like at CPS?

At CPS we support our students to develop mathematical skills in order to function effectively in society. The Mathematics curriculum is aligned with Vic. Curric. Students undertake lessons in a one hour block each day. The Mathematics lessons aim to ensure that students:

  • develop useful mathematical and numeracy skills for everyday life,
  • see connections and apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes to pose and solve problems in a variety of contexts
  • acquire knowledge and skills in Mathematics that provide for further study in mathematical fields


Students are exposed to open ended problems, hands on tasks and activities that challenge their thinking. This provides opportunity for them to apply their knowledge and understanding to solve mathematical problems.

The Mathematics lesson addresses the learning and development of students’ number and operational skills. Students explore a variety of problems, making connections to real life situations. Students work as a whole class, in small groups and individually, depending on the task at hand. This allows students to collaborate, work together or work independently to solve mathematical problems. Students have access to a variety of ‘hands on’ resources to further support their learning and exploration of mathematical concepts.