Curriculum Overview at CPS


At Cranbourne Primary School we provide a comprehensive curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum, which is the current curriculum for Victorian schools. It incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian standards and priorities. The Victorian Curriculum Learning Areas Include:

There are four capabilities within the curriculum. The skills and knowledge defined in the capabilities will be developed, practised, deployed and demonstrated by students in and through their learning across the curriculum:

  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Ethical
  • Intercultural
  • Personal and Social

There are also three cross-curriculum priorities which are embedded in the curriculum areas that provide students with knowledge and skills to engage with and better understand their world:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
  • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
  • Sustainability

Each week, students participate in lessons for English, Mathematics, specialist classes, Units of Investigation, and Library sessions.


Each term, students are engaged in a Unit of Investigation, which highlights one of the Humanities areas of the curriculum, such as History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, or Economics and Business.


Learning spaces also incorporate ‘Circle Time’, ‘Respectful Relationships’, ‘Zones of Regulation’ into their routines. These programs support the emotional wellbeing of students, helping them to regulate their responses to situations, and to effectively and respectfully interact with others.


Our Specialist program for 2021 is as follows:

Grade level

Semester One

Semester Two


Health,  PE, Performing Arts, ICT

PE, Visual Arts, ICT, STEM

Junior (Grades 1 & 2)

Health,  PE, Performing Arts, ICT

PE, Visual Arts, ICT, STEM




Middle (Grades 3 & 4)

PE, Visual Arts, ICT, STEM

Health,  PE, Performing Arts, ICT

Senior (Grades 5 & 6)

PE, Visual Arts, ICT, STEM

Health,  PE, Performing Arts, ICT


(ICT -Information and Communication Technologies, STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

PE -Physical Education)


Teaching and Learning at Cranbourne Primary School is supported by the use of a whole school Instructional Model that has been designed by staff to allow for consistent and collaborative instruction across the school. By using an Instructional Model we provide a shared language about teacher practice, enrich our skills and professional learning by reflecting, motivating and engaging teachers to consider how their practice can best support student learning.


All learning at CPS is differentiated. This means teachers plan lessons and adjust the content, the process used and the expected outcomes for the students, to ensure students’ individual needs, interests, and abilities are catered for.




All year levels will have some form of homework appropriate to their level. It should be stressed that homework is not always formal in nature. The main focus for homework at CPS is Reading. Time spent reading at home is an opportunity for students to practise the skills and strategies that are being covered and taught at school, as well as developing a love and appreciation for reading.


Students in Grades 5 and 6 will receive weekly homework tasks, to aid them in building positive work habits, in preparation for their transition to secondary school.


The school values the support of parents who regularly share reading with their children, make time for homework to be completed and take an interest in their child’s work.

Reporting Student Progress to parents

Two formal interview sessions are organised throughout the year. At the beginning of term 1, an opportunity is provided for a discussion where parents meet their child’s teacher, and inform teachers of any background information that may impact on their child’s learning, and learning goals are set. No formal assessment is discussed at this time.

The second interview is more formal, and is used to convey more specific information on each child's progress, taking place once mid-year reports have been completed and distributed to parents.


Teachers will contact parents throughout the year should there be any concern with a child’s progress. Parents wishing to discuss their child’s progress at other times are welcome to make an appointment with the classroom teacher.