OSHC Enrolment


All families requiring Outside School Hours Care (including pupil-free days/ Curriculum days) must submit an OSHC Enrolment Form. We do not accept OSHC enrolments without an enrolment form.


To enrol:

  1. Make sure you are eligible for CCS through MyGov. You can still enrol without this, but you will need to pay full-fees
  2. Follow this link and create an account: cranbourneoshc.fullybookedccms.com.au/family/
  3. Book sessions using the same link!


Child Care Subsidy

Families earning up to $500,000 who work or volunteer some of the time will be eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). This is typically a 90% subsidy for families earning up to $80,000 and reduces with your income by around 10% every additional $50,000 you earn. Cranbourne PS OSHC strongly recommends you apply for the subsidy!


If you are having problems, please contact Centrelink.


Some common issues:

  • If Cenrelink can't find evidence your child is enrolled, we can provide you a letter confirming they are
  • Make sure the adult on the Healthcare Card with your child is the adult registered on the Fully Booked system

Additional Child Care Subsidy

Some families may be eligible for Additional Child Care Subsidy. Families are eligible to access this if they are:

  • an eligible grandparent getting an income support payment
  • transitioning from certain income support payments to work
  • experiencing temporary financial hardship
  • caring for a child who is vulnerable or at risk of harm, abuse or neglect
  • caring for a child in Out of Home Care

Some common cases in which families may be able to access care include:

  • You are experiencing homelessness
  • Your family has experienced domestic violence (currently or in the past)
  • You are working with a support agency (e.g. Uniting, Windemere, Orange Door etc)

The school can help organise ACCS for your child. If you think you are eligible, please contact the school.