All families requiring Outside School Hours Care (including pupil-free days/ Curriculum days) must submit an OSHC Enrolment Form. We do not accept OSHC enrolments without an enrolment form.
To enrol:
Child Care Subsidy
Families earning up to $500,000 who work or volunteer some of the time will be eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). This is typically a 90% subsidy for families earning up to $80,000 and reduces with your income by around 10% every additional $50,000 you earn. Cranbourne PS OSHC strongly recommends you apply for the subsidy!
If you are having problems, please contact Centrelink.
Some common issues:
Additional Child Care Subsidy
Some families may be eligible for Additional Child Care Subsidy. Families are eligible to access this if they are:
Some common cases in which families may be able to access care include:
The school can help organise ACCS for your child. If you think you are eligible, please contact the school.